
Links to DNA Databases

Surname, Geographical, and/or Other Related Links

Thorough Comparison of DNA Testing Companies by Honest Product Reviews
Yhrd : Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database
Ireland Heritage Y-DNA Project

Ysearch, the free, public genetic-genealogy database, is no longer accessible as a result of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that went into effect on May 25th 2018.

Other Thoughts

These are just a few of the sites for Y-DNA that can be found on the internet. Some are public and searchable databases, some are not. Project Administrators do not necessarily endorse these sites, nor in any way certify the scope or accuracy of them or the data found therein. Nor is it the function of this project's administrators to upload member data to any or all of the competitive searchable databases.

Ultimately, anyone who has his Y-DNA tested must for himself whether to post his data, and if he does to ensure that his data is correctly uploaded to whichever (or how ever many) global searchable database he desires. Some databases on the web are for the purpose of scientific studies and are utilized by various interests, such as National Geographic Magazine, which may have little or no bearing on the focus of this project. The contents of the information found via these links belongs to the entity which publishes them, and should always be cited as such.